8 Fantastic Mobility Aids That Will Make Your Life Easier
Living with any type of disability, or mobility issue can come with many challenges. This can be particularly frustrating when it comes to day to day life.
There are a lot of everyday tasks that an able bodied person might take for granted. This can range from dressing, cooking, bathing and even moving around your own home.
Below we have listed 8 products that can make some of these challenges easier.
Folding electric wheelchairs
In our experience the best folding electric wheelchairs can have a huge impact on the lives of people with mobility issues. Models like the Pride-i-Go are small, compact and very easy to use

There are many benefits of folding electric chairs and they can be an excellent way for people to get around in their day to day lives.
Due to the ease of use and small compact size, they are ideal for use around the home. They are also very easy to travel with. Also, due to long battery life, they can be used on a daily basis for long periods of time, without the worry of batteries running out.
To learn more about the Pride-i-Go Click Here
Bending to pick things up is a challenge for many people. Even for those without a disability, we can start to struggle with bending as we get older. The fact is, there are many instances in everyday life where this can’t be avoided.

Using a grabber can be a huge relief for people who struggle with bending to pick things up. Well-designed grabbers are often able to pick up large objects such as books and even full bottles of liquid. All the way down to smaller items, such as dropped coins, cutlery or pens.
One of the best thing about this type of device is they are very inexpensive. Even a more durable grabber with rubber suction cups can be purchased for less than £20.
Click here to view prices and read reviews
Suction grab bars
In people over 60, more than 80% of serious slips and falls happen in the bathroom. This is not surprising, there are plenty of slippery surfaces in a bathroom. These include baths, showers and even the bathroom floor is a potential hazard.

Grab bars and hand rails can be an excellent way to improve the safety in your bathroom. But, they can be expensive. Plus they will need installing, which is further expense and disruption.
Suction grab bars are a fantastic alternative to fitted grab bars and rails. They are easy to attach and remove, meaning you can place them anywhere you need extra support. Whats more they are another cheap product. A pair of suction grab bars will usually cost roughly £15-£20.
Click here to view prices and read reviews
Adjustable shower stools
Sticking with bathroom aids, another inexpensive and useful item is an adjustable shower stool.

Let’s face it we don’t always want to run a bath and some people may struggle with bathing in a standard tub. However, standing in a shower offers its own set of challenges. Using an adjustable shower stool can be a cheap, convenient way to enjoy a relaxing shower. Also due to the adjustable height you can find the perfect sitting height for your shower.
Your shower stool can also work well with our previous item the suction grab bar.
Click here to view prices and read reviews
Bath chair lift
This is the final item related to bathing aids in our list and it is more expensive than the previous two. With that said, it is still an inexpensive bathroom aid and it can make taking a bath far easier, and enjoyable.

A bath lift enables you to take a seat at the top of your bath and be lowered to the bottom. Once you have finished bathing you can push a button and rise back to the top to exit the bath. Many models also come with a rotating seat which can make accessing the bath even easier.
Bath chair lifts usually cost between £200 – £300. When we compare this with an alternative, such as a walk in bath tub, it is a significantly cheaper option.
Click here to view prices and read reviews
Kettle tipper
Everybody loves a nice cup of tea or coffee, but using the kettle can be a hazard. This is especially true for people with poor grip strength and lower upper body strength. It is very easy to lose your grip and scold yourself with hot kettle water.

Kettle tippers are ingenious devices. They completely remove the potential for accident. Most models are universal, so they will fit to any standard kettle. This means you can take your existing kettle place it in the tipper and you are good to go. Once the kettle boils the tipper will enable you to effortlessly pour hot water into your cup.
Prices for this type of product range anywhere from £10, up to £50. Models at the higher price range often come with their own kettle.
Click here to view prices and read reviews
Jar/lid opener
The next item on this list is another very cheap (under £10) but useful item. It may also affect people who have poor grip strength, or other issues such as arthritis.

Due to the shape and design of this tool, it usually has a variety of different grip sizes. This means that you are able to use it for opening many different containers. The larger grip will open bigger lids, such as jars and the smallest grip will open things like bottles.
You can get this type of opener on sites like Amazon for as little as £3.99. Or you can spend a little more and buy a set that includes other, similar tools for opening bottle caps and tin cans.
Click here to view prices and read reviews
Rise and recline chairs
This is the final item on our list and it is another more expensive option. However, a chair is something that many people will be using on a daily basis.

Even for people without mobility issues the sofa, or an armchair is somewhere they spend hours of every day. This could be watching the TV or enjoying a good book.
Rise and recline chairs have many benefits for disabled and elderly people. The most obvious is that they assist with sitting and standing. This is a huge issue for a lot of people and this alone can make a big difference to your day to day life.
Another positive feature is the ability to elevate your legs. This can reduce back pain and redistribute pressure on other areas of the body.
Click here to read about our top 5 rise and recline chairs
As you can see we have presented 8 popular mobility aids here. There are many more useful devices out there and we may create another list in the near future.
We hope you find this useful. Also if you have any aids that you use and find useful, we would love to hear about them in the comments below.